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Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Dmitry Tursunov... The Russian who beat Andy Roddic in a 5-setterDavis Cup tie aganist US...spoke to Shivani Naik of 'Indian Express' (September 28 )

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Tursunov's Top Ten...

Dmitry Tursunov is quite amused
about the funny-man tag that dilutes his formidable reputation as a hard-hitter.
"People don't take me seriously because I joke around a lot. I guess
that's the price you pay for being funny," he says with an exaggerated

So, seriously speaking, how does the World No 22 plan to get into the Top 10 and win Grand Slams?"I think I should make fun of people on court," says the Russian, whose blog, specializing in self-deprecating humour and contempt for clay - is a rage in cyberspace.

Here's Tursunov's Top lO in a rapid-fire chat:

Your dream surface to play tennis on .... not clay, carpet, grass .. ,

Ans: Ice

How'd you best describe clay-courts?


Whats the toughest bit about recovering from a bad back?
Running up the hill. It's the hardest to get your back in shape; you only keep
hoping whatever you are doing is working.

One way you'd like to emulate your screen idol Jackie Chan.

Jump from the rooftop and not break anything.

What inspired the Estoril blogs that made you a full-time Tour writer?

I was asked to write, and it was a good windowforthe fans to look into a tennis players' life.

The strangest player you've played.

Fabrice Santoro: you don't know what the hell he's doing. He is gifted, but has a weird technique, and is just so ugly to watch.

Playing 15-16 year-olds ....

This Indian-one (Wagh) was harderto beatthatthe previous guy. I fear what will happen of me playing the third one.

What's tougher - writing blogs! stretching for a backhand?

Writing's tough because sometimes you can't stop thinking about what all you can write, but in tennis there s no fear of getting fired, so tennis is easier.

The best compliment after you won the Davis Cup tie for Russia beating Roddick in a marathon five-setter ....

I do'n't remeinber-the two hours after the match. People just came and talked. The former President (Boris Yeltsin) was there, and he came down and said' Good match.' Atthe end of five hours, he was so excited, it was hard to tell if he had been playing, or I was. Moreover, the whole stadium said 'Thank You.' It's nice when people enjoy my tennis too. I know they like my writing for sure.

What's the worst excuse you've given for a loss?

It's not my fault. It's the coach's fault.

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